Tuesday, June 26, 2024, 14:00-15:15 CET, Online

The MUSE partners organise a webinar in partnership with EUROONTROL, as part of the EUROCONTROL’s Learning Platform.

The aim of this webinar is twofold: Firstly, to explain the MUSE U-Space performance framework with a variety of performance indicators, and secondly, to validate important elements which will contribute to final specification of scenarios for each of the three selected missions. Our goal is to establish realistic scenarios that closely reflect the future drone operation environment.

Indeed, MUSE develops a set of performance indicators, methods and tools, with the final objective of assessing the impact of UAM operations on the liveability and quality of life in European cities (e.g., noise, visual pollution or privacy concerns). To demonstrate the capabilities of the MUSE U-space Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Toolset, the project defines plausible future demand scenarios for three different missions envisioned in the project: drone delivery services, emergency (medical) service and loitering (surveying) service. The case studies for all three missions are assessed on the example of the city of Madrid.

Join us on Tuesday, June 26, to learn about the indicators and cross-cutting factors we have defined in our performance framework, and to discover how we specify the three scenarios we will test our performance framework in!

We expect all interested stakeholders to join, from citizens to drone operators, including drone users, U-Space service providers, Air traffic controllers, urban planners and architects, transport operators and authorities at the local, national and European levels. Feel free to reach out for any question!


1. Introduction (5 minutes)

2. Performance Framework (15 minutes)

3. Q&A for performance framework (5 minutes)

4. Case study definition (15 minutes)

5. Q&A for case study (10 minutes)

6. Participants’ feedback through short survey (5 minutes)

7. Conclusion (5 minutes)