U-Space must include a dedicated service that evaluates the impacts on citizens’ health and well-being.

As a set of new services relying on a high level of digitalisation and automation to support safe, efficient, and secure access to airspace for large numbers of drones, U-space intrinsically covers the assessment of its own societal and environmental impacts.

Achieving an enhanced understanding calls for an interdisciplinary approach.

A wide variety of stakeholders is needed to depict a comprehensive picture of the U-space operations’ impacts. Their inputs will be integrated in a co-creation process to define a complete indicator system, which will be applied to specific case studies to ensure their practical usefulness.

Challenge overview

The assessment of UAM’s social and environmental impact requires several advances in different research areas: U-Space performance indicators, modelling of noise and visual pollution generated by drone trajectories, and analysis of population exposure. Key factors will be considered:

Social acceptance determinants

Drone trajectory modelling

Noise & Visual pollution modelling

Population exposure modelling

A consortium representing multiple sides of the challenge